Phusion Awards 2009
And the Winners are...
Most Intimidating--Shelly Milburn
McFormal 2008
Best Sleeper--Joseph Freeman
Laser Quest 2007
Best Female Gangstas--Rachel Revels and Sarah Wingo
Food Pantry Mission 2006
Best Food/Drink Photo--Ian Salyer
FOCUS 2004
Best Male Dance Couple--
Franco Marannano and Tanner Iglio
FOCUS 2008
Best Kiss--Sammy Frame and Justin Robbins
Manassas Mission Trip 2006
Cutest Couple--Craig Pace and Mary Ashleigh Hughes
Manassas Mission Trip 2006
Best Christmas Costume--Daniel Brawley
Random Decision 2008
Best Hair Female--Kris Woodroof
Shaving Cream War 2008
Best Male Gangsta--Lance Broughman
Fall Retreat 2008
Best Vocal Performance--The Backstreet Girls
Fall Retreat 2008
Best Hair Male--Robert Moroney
McFormal 2008